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Calvary Chapel Fellowship of Oklahoma City

Josiah Media

2 Chronicles 34 tells the story of a dark period of Judah's history. Young King Josiah was attempting to bring about reforms in the land when during the renovation of the Temple, the High Priest found a copy of God's Word -- long lost and long forgotten -- in a dusty corner of the Temple complex. After presenting his find to the king, Josiah immediately decreed that the words of the Law be made known to the people. Transformed by the words of God, and excited by this tremendous find, good King Josiah led the way in the institution of godly reforms. Josiah Media is dedicated to this ideal of knowing and incorporating God's Word in our lives.

Josiah Media is a ministry of Calvary Chapel of Oklahoma City and the media is distributed free of charge. It is our desire to see the teaching of God's Word spread abroad. God's Word is free and therefore duplication of this media is encouraged, but please do not sell them. If you would like to order some of the teachings in this catalog on CD-ROM, simply choose the associated teaching and click the associated 'Request CD' link.

Though Josiah media is free, donations to this ministry are accepted. Donations can be sent to the address below. Thank you for letting us serve you in this manner and may God bless you as you study His word.

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